This is about this lad that turned up to work with the bricky who was working with us. This
is totally true!
Hes not the brightest of lads well id say stupid it a good description. Anyway he was caught
driving in his dads car(with his dad in the car) over a golf course. The police turned up came to the car and sed 'weve had
a description of a lad with blonde hair in his 20's driving over the golf course' he blamed his dad and sed 'if definetly
wore me im 22' lmfao!! i cudnt stop laughing for ages another person wasting oxygen lol
Me Shane and Matty were on our way to Nottingham by train and Shane thought before the journey
hed get some traveling reading i.e a porno lol. So he buys this porno and were on the the train and as a joke i took the porno
out its bag and put it on the table in the view of the train conductor who was walking down the aisle me and shane looked
away pretending not to see him and trying not to laugh and out the corner out the eye we see him take the longest glance ever
at anything that strikes ya eye and his jaw nearly hit the floor and he wore watchin where he was going and walked into some-ones
chair well funny!!! one of them u had to be there but fuck you its mite site lol.
Me Shane Jona got chased by a tractor.. no need to elaborate.!!hahahaha
This happend about 2 years ago and i cant belive i forgot it, was sitting in mcdonalds
with doody near merry hill, i sed summat to him he sed 'what' andi repeated it he sed 'what' (typical doody fashion)
'i sed you fcukin deaf?'
'No' he sed ' That says Homebase over there'
.....jus doody all over tht